The Windows Project

Help Restore the Weir House

The Windows Project is part of a $3 million renovation of the historic 1836 Weir House which has been home to the Madison County Historical Museum since 1964.

MCHS is asking Madison County residents to adopt one or more of the 31 Weir House windows as a restoration project honoring their Madison County family or in memory of a family member. The average cost is $2,500 each to restore the historic window and manufacture a protective storm window to protect it. A plaque listing the honored families will be displayed in the renovated museum when it reopens.  A full letter about the Windows Project is available for download here.

Because the Weir House is on the National Register of Historic Places, the exterior of the building will be restored according to National Register Standards. The interior will be converted to eight exhibit galleries that tell the story of Madison County using artifacts and photographs from the MCHS collections.

Please consider a donation to the Windows Project or the restoration of the Weir House.