Speaker Series
Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People
June 2025
Kathryn Harris Presents Harriet Tubman
Presenter Kathryn Harris will lead a Speakers Series event on Sunday, June 22, at 2 p.m., featuring Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People.
The event will be held at the Main Street Community Center, 1003 N. Main Street, Edwardsville, Ill. It is free and open to the public.
MCHS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has been preserving the stories, photographs, and artifacts of Madison County for more than a century. The Society owns and operates the Madison County History Museum and Archival Library at 715-801 N. Main Street in Edwardsville, and provides educational programming throughout the county. To learn more about the Madison County Historical Society, visit their website at https://madcohistory.org/ or call 618-656-7569.