Selections from the Gehring Site


pottery shards
Three pottery shards. They are the Hopewell style decorated wtih the Bluff Dale Rocker type of stamping. Material: Ceramic. Location: Gehring Site, Feature 203. Culture: Middle Woodland (200 BCE-500 CE). Object 11MS99 BD-203-5 a.$b.-2013 courtesy of Dr. Julie Zimmermann.


Mica. Mica is a shiny mineral that Native Americans used to create figurines, jewelry, and other artifacts. This raw material was a very valuable trade item. Location: Gehring Site, Feature 203. Culture: Middle Woodland. Object 11MS99-203-2013 courtesy of Dr. Julie Zimmermann.


stone fragments
Stone fragments. This group of broken cherts or stone fragments were found together, but they come from different tools — arrowhead, knife blades, and flakes. Material: Chert. Location: Gehring Site, Feature 203. Culture: Middle Woodland. Object 11MS99-203-1-2013 curtesy of Dr. Julie Zimmermann.


Figurine. This was made in the Middle Woodland time period (CE 0-350). Not much is known about these types of figurines, including their purpose. Material: Ceramic. Location: Gehring Site, Feature 203. Culture: Middle Woodland. Object 11MS99-203-1-2013 courtesy of Dr. Julie Zimmermann.