New Archival Library Research Manager

Mary Z. Rose, Alton, was recently appointed as the new Archival Library Research Manager at the Madison County Archival Library. Rose was exceptionally qualified for the position. She began working at the Madison County Historical Museum five years ago as a volunteer, then four years ago accepted a part-time position as assistant curator at the museum.

Rose earned her Master’s degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in 2001. Prior to coming to the Madison County Historical Museum and Archival Library, she held three other library positions. After college, she found a job as the Assistant Director of the Tri-Township Public Library District in Troy, where her multiple duties included reference service, collection development, and cataloging. Following that job, she worked at the Bryan Cave law firm in downtown St. Louis as a cataloging librarian. In 2007, she was hired as Metadata Librarian at Lovejoy Library at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). At SIUE she created online collections and exhibits featuring the library’s archival and special collections materials.

It was at SIUE that Rose discovered her love of archival collections. Rose calls her new position as Archival Research Manager at the Madison County Archival Library her “dream job.”

In her new role, she is responsible for providing access to the Madison County Historical Society’s archival collections through research services, finding aids, outreach, exhibitions, and digitization. She also coordinates the “behind-the-scenes” work necessary for the library to function, like accessioning donations, arranging and describing collections, and preserving documents.

Over the past five years, Rose says she has “learned about the unique resources available at the Madison County Archival Library and is excited about finding new ways to make them available to researchers and anyone curious about history.”

The Madison County Historical Museum and Archival Library are operated through a joint agreement between Madison County government and the Madison County Historical Society. Rose’s new position is as a county employee.

The Madison County Archival Library is open to the public Wednesday-Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Sunday 1-4 p.m. Numerous restrictions are in place due to COVID-19, including a mask requirement and limits on the number of visitors allowed in the building at one time. Due to the latter, it is strongly advised that patrons call 618-656-7569 for a reservation before visiting the Library.