Speaker Series
Legends of Abe by Stephen Hansen

February 2025

Exploring the Myths and Legends of Abe Lincoln

SIUE Emeritus Professor Stephen Hansen will explore the myths and legends of Abraham Lincoln at the inaugural event of the 2025 MCHS Speakers Series on Sunday, February 9 at 2 p.m. at the Main Street Community Center in Edwardsville. Hansen isn’t going up against the Super Bowl since his presentation will be completed long before the big game begins.

The program is “A Superhero from Another Age: The Legend and Mythology of Abraham Lincoln.” Hansen will explore why we are still fascinated with Abraham Lincoln. At different times, Lincoln has been seen as the Savior of the Union, the Great Emancipator, the Self-Made Man, and the Man of the People. These images and legends are so powerful that nearly every segment of American society has claimed Lincoln to represent them from the American Vegetarian Society to the American Communist Party!

Hansen will explore how the Lincoln legend grew and changed over time and why it is important for us today. Hansen is Emeritus Dean and Professor of Historical Studies at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE).  Before his retirement he held a number of administrative posts at the university, most recently as Interim Chancellor. After retiring from SIUE, he continued his scholarly research and remains active as a consultant for institutions of higher education. He has been on the MCHS Board of Directors since 2017.

Before and after the program, MCHS will hold a used book sale outside the lecture hall for those interested. The book sale, organized by Mike Reinhardt, will be open 1:30-2:00 p.m. and 3:00-3:30 p.m. MCHS Speaker Series programs are free and open to the public. The focus for 2025 is “In Lincoln’s Time.” The programs are held at the Main Street Community Center at 1003 North Main St., Edwardsville, Illinois.

MCHS is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that has been preserving the stories, photographs, and artifacts of Madison County for more than a century. The Society owns and operates the Madison County History Museum and Archival Library at 715-801 N. Main Street in Edwardsville, and provides educational programming throughout the county. To learn more about the Madison County Historical Society, visit their website at https://madcohistory.org/ or call 618-656-7569.